Food for thought...

A group scout active support unit is a great way to involving parents on a rota to make them feel they belong to scouting!

A scout active support unit is a great way people to volunteer some of their spare time to support your group in a flexible way.

If you think this is the right route to involve the parents and family members of your group you could choose to set up a group scout active support unit – It’s easy, the first step is to find someone that is happy to take on the role of the unit manager.

This is a great way to recognise the parents and carers that are helping on your section rotas less than twice a month. If they help more than once per month, you should consider talking to them about taking on a section assistant or assistant section Leader role.

An active support unit should be a an exciting, lively and active unit (or team) – by opening a unit which only one or two people join it might affect the future success of scout active support – so consider wisely whether it’s best to start a unit, or invite individuals to take up appointments.