Our new County Lead Volunteer

I’m pleased to be able to tell you that the new Lead Volunteer for the Greater London South and South East Scout County is Judy Freeman. 

Judith Freeman

Judy brings a wide range of experience to the role gathered over many years in different leadership roles in Scouting and beyond. In that time, she has worked with teams across the whole of the County which will help in bringing our new combined County team together in a strong and positive way.

Setting up our new Scout County, supporting the seven Districts of Bexley, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark, Bromley, Royal Greenwich, & Wandsworth is a positive strategic opportunity for us to rethink how we do Scouting together. Combining this with The Scouts Transformation process and launch of the new membership system gives an ideal moment to match our teams from right across the County with the new ways of working that will come with the Transformation. 

Judy’s experience across all the areas in which the County operates will ensure that we bring all our people together as an effective and enthusiastic team.

As we bring people together from across the County, we will benefit from a larger, single county organisation that will be able to support Scouting in a greater number of ways. 

As a part of this the County Senior Leadership Team are already working to make this happen this core team consists of Judy, Liz Fricker, David Liddle, and Jason Hagan.

With succession planning a foremost relevant need, I am pleased to advise alongside this Liz Fricker will be moving roles to be the County Lead for People where she will be fully engaged helping people to build their leadership and development skills. 

David Liddle will be joining the team as the County Lead for Programme to keep driving the County Programme to be even more exciting and growing in to new areas as we go forwards.

Jason Hagan will be continuing in his role, leading the County Places team supporting our District’s leadership teams, the facilities offered by our county centre – The Fort and our public perception team.

With a larger team, the County will be able to support a more adventurous programme that ensures South & South East London Scouts stays at the forefront of Scouting, building upon an already great record of youth shaped leadership and fostering our Scouting Values.

Alongside Judy and the team, I look forward to meeting and working with you all on this exciting journey to create a great new footprint for Scouting in the South & South East of London. 

Please join me in welcoming Judy to her new role as County Lead Volunteer.

you can download the latest version of our county guide here



Richard Williams
Lead Volunteer for the London Scout Region